Pro Blog
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On the Jobsite 
You can make high-early-strength concrete with portland cement, calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement, and/or Rapid Set®. Each hydrates differently, which affects how susceptible the mix is to the primary cause of concrete deterioration and failure: shrinkage.
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The U.S. government is developing requirements to award project funding based in part on pavement’s environmental impact. Here is how three concretes compare in terms of global warming potential (GWP).
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Product Releases 
Single-component coating is polymer-modified for increased adhesion. Concrete, masonry, and brick can be exposed to hydrostatic pressures of up to 20 psi in three to five days.
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Product Releases 
Polymer-modified structural repair mortar contains corrosion inhibitor to protect steel-reinforced walls, ceilings, and infrastructure. Air-entrained to withstand freeze-thaw cycles. Just add water.
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Product Releases 
Help commercial building owners quickly renovate lobbies, hallways, and other common areas with a flooring underlayment that accepts new carpet, tile, hardwood, or our TRU® architectural toppings within 24 hours.
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Product Releases 
Public agencies have placed millions of tons of Rapid Set® products since we introduced the cement in the mid-1970s. This is one of several products we’ve formulated to meet their unique needs.
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On the Jobsite 
Summer is peak season for our industry. With temperatures climbing ever higher across the country, here's how to keep crews, equipment, and materials safely productive on hot and humid jobsites.
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Product Releases 
Looks like asphalt, wears like concrete. Quickly smooth and beautify driveways, parking lots, pathways, and roads by applying a polymer-modified, black cementitious material that achieves drive-on strength in less than two hours.
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Product Releases 
Stretch your maintenance budget and minimize road-closure time by filling potholes, ruts, raveling, and bird-bath depressions with an easy-to-place material that looks like asphalt but, unlike cold-patch, stays flat, level, and intact.
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Win the gratitude of building owners by helping them minimize maintenance requirements. These eight tests explain how and why Rapid Set® WunderFixx® maintains a building's beauty longer than competing options.
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Product Releases 
The same easy application, versatility, and durability provided by Rapid Set® white, gray, and sandstone sealants and adhesives are now available in the color black for asphalt roofing and pavement applications.
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Press Releases 
Independent analysis confirms manufacturing belitic calcium sulfoaluminate (BCSA) cement is more environmentally friendly than manufacturing portland cement.
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Press Releases 
As the developer of a lower-carbon alternative to portland cement for concrete construction and repair, we're helping enhance our industry’s sustainability profile.
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Press Releases 
North America's largest calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) cement manufacturer acquires fourth U.S. production plant to meet growing demand for Rapid Set® construction and repair cements, concretes, and mortars.
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Product Releases 
Per customers' request, we developed a polymer-modified patching compound that contains fine aggregate for interior and exterior projects where the super-smooth surface delivered by TiltWallFixx isn’t desired.
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Driven by a directive to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, the federal government is developing global warming potential (GWP) requirements that will be used to award funding.